# Mirror configuration The mirror configuration settings are in a configuration section of the configuration file named **\[mirror\]**. This section contains settings to specify how the mirroring software should operate. ## directory The mirror directory setting is a string that specifies the directory to store the mirror files. The directory used must meet the following requirements: - The filesystem must be case-sensitive filesystem. - The filesystem must support large numbers of sub-directories. - The filesystem must support large numbers of files (inodes) Example: ```ini [mirror] directory = /srv/pypi ``` ## json The mirror json setting is a boolean (true/false) setting that indicates that the json packaging metadata should be mirrored in addition to the packages. Example: ```ini [mirror] json = false ``` ## release-files The mirror release-files setting is a boolean (true/false) setting that indicates that the package release files should be mirrored. Defaults to `true`. When this option is disabled (via setting to false), you should also specify the `root_uri` configuration. If the uri is empty, it will be set to . Example: ```ini [mirror] release-files = true ``` ## master The master setting is a string containing a url of the server which will be mirrored. The master url string must use https: protocol. The default value is: If you would like to configure an alternative download mirror of package distribution artifacts please also take a look at the `download-mirror` option. Example: ```ini [mirror] master = https://pypi.org ``` ## timeout The timeout value is an integer that indicates the maximum number of seconds for web requests. The default value for this setting is 10 seconds. Example: ```ini [mirror] timeout = 10 ``` ## global-timeout The global-timeout value is an integer that indicates the maximum runtime of individual aiohttp coroutines. The default value for this setting is 18000 seconds, or 5 hours. Example: ```ini [mirror] global-timeout = 18000 ``` ## workers The workers value is an integer from from 1-10 that indicates the number of concurrent downloads. The default value is 3. Recommendations for the workers setting: - leave the default of 3 to avoid overloading the pypi master - official servers located in data centers could run 10 workers - anything beyond 10 is probably unreasonable and is not allowed. ## hash-index The hash-index is a boolean (true/false) to determine if package hashing should be used. The Recommended setting: the default of false for full pip/pypi compatibility. :::{warning} Package index directory hashing is incompatible with pip, and so this should only be used in an environment where it is behind an application that can translate URIs to filesystem locations. ::: ### Apache rewrite rules when using hash-index When using this setting with an apache server. The apache server will need the following rewrite rules: ```text RewriteRule ^([^/])([^/]*)/$ /mirror/pypi/web/simple/$1/$1$2/ RewriteRule ^([^/])([^/]*)/([^/]+)$/ /mirror/pypi/web/simple/$1/$1$2/$3 ``` ### NGINX rewrite rules when using hash-index When using this setting with an nginx server. The nginx server will need the following rewrite rules: ```text rewrite ^/simple/([^/])([^/]*)/$ /simple/$1/$1$2/ last; rewrite ^/simple/([^/])([^/]*)/([^/]+)$/ /simple/$1/$1$2/$3 last; ``` ## stop-on-error The stop-on-error setting is a boolean (true/false) setting that indicates if bandersnatch should stop immediately if it encounters an error. If this setting is false it will not stop when an error is encountered but it will not mark the sync as successful when the sync is complete. ```ini [mirror] stop-on-error = false ``` ## log-config The log-config setting is a string containing the filename of a python logging configuration file. Example: ```ini [mirror] log-config = /etc/bandersnatch-log.conf ``` ## root_uri The root_uri is a string containing a uri which is the root added to relative links. :::{note} This is generally not necessary, but was added for the official internal PyPI mirror, which requires serving packages from ::: Example: ```ini [mirror] root_uri = https://example.com ``` ## diff-file The diff file is a string containing the filename to log the files that were downloaded during the mirror. This file can then be used to synchronize external disks or send the files through some other mechanism to offline systems. You can then sync the list of files to an attached drive or ssh destination such as a diode: ```console rsync -av --files-from=/srv/pypi/mirrored-files / /mnt/usb/ ``` You can also use this file list as an input to 7zip to create split archives for transfers, allowing you to size the files as you needed: ```console 7za a -i@"/srv/pypi/mirrored-files" -spf -v100m path_to_new_zip.7z ``` Example: ```ini [mirror] diff-file = /srv/pypi/mirrored-files ``` ## diff-append-epoch The diff append epoch is a boolean (true/false) setting that indicates if the diff-file should be appended with the current epoch time. This can be used to track diffs over time so the diff file doesn't get cobbered each run. It is only used when diff-file is used. Example: ```ini [mirror] diff-append-epoch = true ``` ## compare-method The compare method is used to set how to compare an existing file with upstream file to determine whether a download is required: - hash: this is the default which reads local file content and computes hashes (currently sha256sum), it is reliable but sometimes slower; - stat: use file size and change time to compare, which is named after the stat() syscall, this avoids retrieving the full file content thus reducing some io workloads. Example: ```ini [mirror] compare-method = hash ``` ## proxy The proxy is used only when requesting master server, eg. downloading index or package file from pypi.org. The proxy value will be passed to aiohttp as proxy parameter, like `aiohttp.get(link, proxy=yourproxy)`, check the aioproxy manual for more details: Example: ```ini [mirror] proxy=http://myproxy.com ``` ## download-mirror By default bandersnatch downloads packages from the URL supplied in the master server server's json response. This option asks bandersnatch to try to download from the configured PyPI mirror first, and fallback to the URL supplied by the master server if it was not successful (unable to get content or checksum mismatch). This is useful to sync most of the files from an existing, nearby mirror, for example when setting up a new server sitting next to an existing one for the purpose of load sharing. Example: ```ini [mirror] download-mirror = https://pypi-mirror.example.com/ ``` ## simple-format Format for Simple API to be stored in. With PEP691 we now have HTML and JSON formats. Valid options are: - ALL - HTML - JSON Default: `ALL` formats ```ini simple-format = ALL ``` ## sample-log-config ```ini [loggers] keys=root,file [handlers] keys=root,file [formatters] keys=common [logger_root] level=NOTSET handlers=root [logger_file] level=INFO handlers=file propagate=1 qualname=bandersnatch [formatter_common] format=%(asctime)s %(name)-12s: %(levelname)s %(message)s [handler_root] class=StreamHandler level=DEBUG formatter=common args=(sys.stdout,) [handler_file] class=handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler level=DEBUG formatter=common delay=False args=('/repo/bandersnatch/banderlogfile.log', 'D', 1, 0) ```