# Serving your Mirror So if you've had a successful `bandersnatch mirror` run, you're now ready to serve your mirror. Any webserver can do this, as long as it can serve the simple HTML and packages directory that the HTML links to. ## BanderX `banderx` is a very simple [NGINX](https://www.nginx.com/) docker image with a sample config included. The example only does HTTP and expects you to do your own HTTPS/TLS elsewhere. - Default config is not setup for `hash_index = true` synced bandersnatch mirror - The *hash_index* serving config is in the example config and needs to be uncommented - It also sets the correct JSON MIME type for `/json` + `/pypi` ### Docker Build - `cd src/banderx` - `docker build -t banderx .` ### Docker Run - `docker run --name bandersnatch_nginx --mount type=bind,source=/data/pypi/web,target=/data/pypi/web banderx` - For custom config add: - `--mount type=bind,source=$PWD/nginx.conf,target=/config/nginx.conf` ### Bind Mount Nginx Config If you want a different nginx config bind mount to: - `/config/nginx.conf` The config defaults for the mirror to be bind mounted to: - `/data/pypi/web`